
This Goth Woman Brought Her Pet Raven On The Subway And People Are Loving It

This Goth Woman Brought Her Pet Raven On The Subway And People Are Loving It

It's not every day you see someone sitting across from you with a pet raven on the train. Sure, we've all had some bizarre experiences on the DART, but nothing like this.

This image of a goth woman sitting on the subway nonchalantly with a huge raven has gone viral. Note the casualness of it all. She's just staring down, minding her own business, with a large black bird perched on her lap. What makes the whole thing even more bizarre is the bird has a leash. Yes, you heard us right, it's that domesticated the feckin' thing is being treated like a dog.

Of course, Reddit users were quick to come up with funny comments like these 'quotes the raven' thread;



Other people on Twitter were just gobsmacked at the bizarreness of it all;


Regardless, it's really not something you see on the regular. What's next? Owls on the Luas? A swarm of bees on Dublin bus? An alligator on the DART? Who even knows anymore.


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Ciara Finnegan

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