
Social Feature Of The Week: Pamela Joyce

Though not an instantly recognisable name - yet - Pamela Joyce is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the world of social media. Hailing from County Galway in Ireland, this recent college graduate epitomises all that CollegeTimes stands for: A voice of tomorrow, raw young talent using social media to get herself heard. And what a young talent she is. Pamela began all this just joking around with her friends, however she soon decided to share her comedy with the world and set up her Facebook page "Accents, Impressions and Female Confessions." In her own words, she "hasn't looked back since" and can you blame her with close to 30,000 likes?! I caught up with Pamela for a quick chat about how and why she got into making her brilliant videos and why she brought a cat named Kevin home after a night out...

1. Hi Pamela! For our CollegeTimes audience, could you sum yourself up in less than ten words?

Fun, outgoing, daft, the life of the party (without sounding too big headed!), Harry Potter enthusiast, idoliser of Beyoncé.

2. So, what made you want to start making videos in the beginning?

As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be an actor. I LOVE to make people laugh and its one of very few things I'm actually good at so I rolled with that. As the comedian in my group of friends, I would always send them on videos and one of my friends Sarah posted one on Facebook. I was raging at first but when the likes started rolling in, I realised that other people found me funny too, not just my nearest and dearest! So from there I took the leap to set up Accents, Impressions and Female Confessions, and I haven't looked back since!

3. Impressive stuff! Why do you think college students would relate to you as a whole?

I only left college two years ago so there are times where I am still very much in the college mentality. My videos are mostly aimed at people in their 20s, but I've found that videos such as my Irish Mammy and Blogger characters are universal, people of all ages can enjoy them.


4. Tell us something about yourself that people wouldn't know.

I'm an animal lover at heart, so once after a night out I decided to bring a cat home with me. Yes, a cat. I named him Kevin and he was lovely. Mum was not too impressed the next morning and her response was, " Well you're as weird, for fear you'd bring a man home". Cheers Mum!

5. Is there pressure to get more subscribers and views?

There can be. If I think about it too much it does freak me out a little bit. But I try to concentrate on the enjoyable part of making the videos and making people laugh rather than what the numbers say. Social media can be very deceitful in that sense. Just because someone didn't take the time to hit the "like" button, doesn't mean they didn't enjoy it. I just enjoy making the videos, anything else is just an extra benefit!



6. That's a very positive way of looking at it! So, who would be your biggest influencers on social media?

I can never get enough of the BRILLIANT James Kavanagh. He's human perfection. Makes me laugh everyday and seems like such a genuinely lovely guy! I'm also a huge fan of Jules Coll (Nine Stone Lighter). She is a huge inspiration to me and she seems so, so genuine and honest. She talks about weight loss and healthy eating in terms I can understand and I LOVE that about her. Plus she's f*cking gorgeous!

7. Ok so serious question time: where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

I can't even see where I am tomorrow to be honest! I take every day as it comes. I would absolutely love to still be working in radio and ideally I'd be doing some TV work as well.  If all else fails, I would happily live the rest of my days in the Warner Brothers' Harry Potter Studios in London!

8. That sounds like a plan! What advice would you give to someone starting to make videos?


DONT HOLD BACK! Don't be shy. Just do it. If you think it's an interesting topic, then somebody else will too. Some of my most successful videos have been ones that I was very unsure about and wasn't even going to post. Just go for it. I was scared in the beginning but its the best thing I've ever done.

9. Have you any pearls of wisdom for our CollegeTimes audience?

Don't take anything for granted. Enjoy every second of it, because it will be over before you know it.

10. Words to live by! Out of all of your vids, which is your fave?

My favourite video of mine is my Blogger character. I had so, so much fun creating her, and she opened up a lot of doors for me. My friends and I always send each other blogger snaps and it just seemed there was a gap for something like that. She's so much fun to play.


11. And she is fucking hilarious! If you could collaborate with any YouTuber who would it be and why?

I adore Clare Cullen (Clisare). She is HILARIOUS and she showed me that its more than okay to be a girl and to be funny. I think a lot of people think girls should just be pretty and nice to look at. And although I am a JOY to look at (jk) there's a lot more to me. Us women have to stand up for ourselves and be counted, and Clare is doing just that.

12. Finally Pamela, out of all of the 2016 trends so far, which do you lurve and which do you hate?

My favourite trend of 2016 has to be braids. Kim K started it all off and although I hate to admit it, I LOVE THEM! I only wish I could do them myself. I have the girls in Yourells Hair Salon in Galway driven demented!

Cheers Pam for taking time out to chat with CollegeTimes! To see Pamelas hysterical work, check out her Facebook page Pamela Joyce: Accents, Impressions & Female Confessions.


Video: Every blogger on Snapchat these days

Credit: Pamela Joyce

Aoife Loughnane

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