
Look This Photographer's Amazing Series Of Beard Pictures...

Beards are having a moment. They have been for a quite some time now, with no sign of this trend letting up any time soon. Men are either thrilled that they can produce one and proudly allow it spread over their face like a wild bush fire or can't grow one at all and in that case take the piss out of the bearded ones. It's all or nothing really, you dont see the simple goatee anymore do you? No, thank Christ.

Brock Elbank, a British photographer, has been photographing bearded people from all walks of life for the past few years. His exhibition, 'Beard', has already been shown in London before travelling to Australia and has garnered massive attention. This series of photographs shows people all hugely different sharing one thing in common- a beard. Check out the images here and tell us what you think- we love them.





Image Credit: Brock Elbank

Video: Women Say What They Secretly Think About Beards

Credit: BuzzFeedYellow


College Times Staff

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