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Leaving Cert 'Megathread' On Reddit Has Reassuring Words For Students

It's that time of year again, the Leaving Cert 2019 kicks off tomorrow with English Paper 1. To help students going through the state exams a Junior Cert and Leaving Cert 'megathread' has been created on Reddit. It aims to be an outlet for all questions, queries, rants and plans to move to Siberia. You can rest assured when it comes to Leaving Cert, for the majority of us, we've all been through it and are understanding of the immense amount of pressure it puts on students. You are not alone and this Leaving Cert thread on Reddit has some gentle reassurance. Rather than read through the whole thread yourself, here are five key pieces of advice to put your mind at ease:

1. Don't move to Siberia

A solid piece of advice you can carry through college (should that be the direction you want to go) and throughout your career. When things are tough, don't move to Siberia. I would opt for a warmer climate.


2. Follow your own path

This comment below is spot on, the Leaving Cert is a hotbed of competitiveness. Between your Aunty Tina asking the same questions you don't even know the answers to and the constant Leaving Cert chatter in School, it's enough to make anyone anxious. Take a step back, get some breathing space and focus on your path.


3. Eat well and sleep well

It's down to the wire now so the best thing you can do over the next few days is, eat well and sleep well. You'd be surprised at how much more beneficial it is to just go for a walk in the evening rather than trying to cram for the next exam.


4. There isn't just the one route to the course you want

Right now it might seem like the Leaving Cert is the be all end all, but there are so many different routes to getting into the course you want.


5. You're almost finished

There is still no sense of freedom comparable to walking out of those exam halls for the final exam. After the Leaving Cert, it gets better. Sure you're faced more exams in College that determine if you move on to the next year or not. The difference is, you're studying for a career path that you chose.


You can read the full thread here. Best of luck to all those sitting the Leaving Cert and Junior Cert exams tomorrow.

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