
10 Movies Every Girl Must Watch

Mean Girls

The ultimate guide to bitchiness. One of the most quoted films I've ever heard girls reference.

Remember girls: “Ex-boyfriends are off-limits to friends. That’s just, like, the rules of feminism.”

The Proposal

All you need to know: Sandra Bullock is hilarious  and Ryan Reynolds gets his kit off.

10 Things I Hate About You

Think: sarcastic realism meets Home & Away.

The Notebook

A tear-jerker if ever there was one.

Warning: don't watch this with a cynical friend. If you do, be prepared for plenty of eye-rolling.

Sixteen Candles

A Molly Ringwald classic. A story about a girl who over-thinks everything related to a hot guy.

Been there. Done that.


Cher’s guide to boys is just that. So dim, yet so entertaining.

Relive the 90’s through this film, parachute pants included...


The irony in this film for poor Leo diCaprio is almost as tragic as the story.

Just like the Oscars, so near, yet so far…

Bridget Jones’s Diary

The every girl, Bridget’s hilarious take on life and love is shockingly relatable.

Except the part about flashing the nation whilst sliding down a firemans pole. Can't say I've done that...


Regarded as the female version of The Hangover.

Life lessons in jealously ladies.

Pretty Woman

A modern Cinderella story.

Well, sort of...

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