Why Some American Hippie Influencers Are Suntanning Their Bits

Here in Dublin, where it's rained for the past four months, you rarely have time for the thought 'I'd love to get some vitamin D for my bits'. But over in California, where life is perfect and the sun is always shining, that's apparently a normal, everyday thought.

An instagram post from Metaphysical Meagan has gone viral this week. Meagan describes herself as an ascension wayshower, healer and weightlifter among other things, and she used her instagram page to document her belief that getting direct sun to her 'bum and yoni' brings tremendous health benefits. See for yourself.

The most interesting claim that Meagan makes here is that '30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on!'

She also says this is an ancient Taoist practice.

The internet has of course responded with shock at the thought that directly tanning your perenium could hold secret health gains.

For her part, Meagan has replied with more info and thoughts on the experience due to the outrageous reaction. "My experience with perineum sunning has been profound. I have been practicing this for a few months now. I start my day with 5 minutes of perineum sunning & feel energized for hours. I no longer rely on coffee for energy to start my day because I am getting my energy from the sun. I also am experiencing better sleep and require less sleep."

Luckily in Ireland, we have no sun so this could never be a thing.

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