
Attention Singletons! First Dates Ireland Are Looking For Single People To Be On The Show

With the latest season of First Dates Ireland, one of the greatest television shows/generators of cosmic awkwardness, coming to a close, the producers of the show Coco Television are already on the lookout for a new batch of singletons for the next season.

If your thumbs are getting sore from the constant swiping left on Tinder, or you've run out of clever opening lines on Bumble or you simply cannot face the prospect of meeting another person that looks nothing like their profile picture then why not hop on the bandwagon and be part of one of Ireland's most popular television shows.

You might remember the most recent success story from First Dates Ireland. To refresh, last month Shannon and Ciara, who met on the show last year got engaged.

Here's their super sweet proposal video:

So what have you got to lose, like Shannon and Ciara you could meet the one, or at the very least get a nice dinner and a good story to tell in bars about your 15 minutes of fame.

If you are not entirely comfortable with the limelight and laying your dating life bare on National television, then there is also the option to apply to be a background dater.

The application form takes a bit of time to complete so make yourself a cuppa, relax and have a think about the type of person that would be your dream date. Be realistic in your expectations, we can't all say Tom Hardy lookalike.

For further information about applying you can find it here.

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