7 Daytime TV Shows That Had Us Glued To Our Tellys In The Noughties

Daytime TV has always been a bit of a skeptical situation. You were guaranteed a juicy story or two to share with your mates but you were always second guessing whether or not any of these stories had an ounce of truth behind them.

Never mind the stories, it was the presenters of these tabloid talk shows who kept us coming back for more.

Here are just seven of the day time TV shows we loved to binge watch back in the early noughties:

Ricki Lake

Aired: 1993 - 2004

"Go Ricki, go Ricki!" was chanted in many an Irish sitting room back in the day. TV3 aired the show daily and we all knew what time Ricki was coming onto our screens. Who remembers the couple who were caught on tape bragging about faking their Ricki Lake story just so they could get a free trip to New York? Ricki reveals everything on the show and sends them on their merry way, return flight not included.  The show came back as The Ricki Lake Show in 2012 but only lived to see one season.  Wander down memory lane and listen to the shows original theme song:

The Jeremy Kyle Show

Aired: 2005 -

Love him or hate him, The Jeremy Kyle Show had us glued to our day time TV screens on ITV and probably still entertains many of you out there. The show has been criticized for being classist and purposefully selecting specific people from working class areas. With that being said, who didn't love a guest on the show giving Jeremy as good as he gives. This guy is considered one of the worst guests of all time:

The Jenny Jones Show

Aired: 1991 - 2003

Perhaps the most popular for its makeovers on people, The Jenny Jones Show was marked by such controversy from one moment it nearly ended the show's career in 1995. Scott Bernard Amure was shot by his friend Jonathan Schitmz after they finished recording the show. Scott admitted fancying his friend, who initially took it well, but murdered him after the show. The family sued The Jenny Jones Show as a result but lost the case. Schitmz was released from prison in March of this year.


Aired: 1998 - 2010

The British talk show was fronted by the much-loved Trisha Godard. Trisha was so popular it filmed another show series in the States but got canceled back in 2014. Trisha even appeared in the campy zombie movie Shaun of the Dead.


Aired: 1986 - 2004

Airing on BBC for nearly 20 years, Kilroy was canceled after its host Robert Kilroy-Silk made some highly controversial remarks in 2oo2.  Kilroy started each show by mentioning the storyline of the day and, usually, it would go something like this: "Single, alone and afraid, why can't 65-year polar bear find love?". Don't believe me, watch the reel:


Aired: 1983 - 2002

Sally Jesse Raphael was known for her oversized red glasses and was the first audience participating talk show to have a female host. Sally was unexpectedly canceled in 2002. The best and worst part of the show was the sassy teenagers:


The Oprah Winfrey Show 

Aired: 1986 - 2011

Back in the day "You get a car, you get a car, you get a car, YOU ALL GET A CAR!" was quoted more than a Bible in a Christian Brothers school. After 25 years the Oprah show bowed out and is the highest rated day time tv show in history. Oprah started her own TV station called OWN and has just been announced as a new contributor to 60 Minutes. 

Also Read: Watch: Judy Judy Makes Dog Decide Who Their Owner Is During Trial

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