
Is This The Greatest Ever Performance On 'The Chase'?

Picture the scene. You're on The Chase. You limp into the final round with a measely £5,000. A £5,000 that's probably not going to be worth anything anyhow because low and behold, you're the only contestant who's actually made it through.

Yes, Renee Smith faced down the impossible on The Chase. She faced down the impossible and she won! The ex-air stewardess scored an impressive 19 points on her own in The Final Chase before going a step further by knocking the Chaser, Shaun Wallace back eight times as he tried to reign her in.

A feat never achieved before.

After the show The Dark Destroyer was generous in his praise of her performance, 'Sometimes you just have to put your hands up and congratulate the better player....well done Renee I truly enjoyed that chase.'

The weirdest thing was that the episode, show on Wednesday, was actually a repeat from a few years ago. It shows you how much the show has grown in popularity in the intervening time. Twitter was rife with amazement, with some calling for her to be made a full-time Chaser. Renee, meanwhile, was very gracious about the whole thing.

It was definitely more than just luck.

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