Twitter Gave The DUP Movie Names And They're Bloody Brilliant

The scandal of Theresa May and the Conservatives joining with the DUP has left a sour taste in many people's mouths. Thankfully, the gas minds over on Twitter started the hashtag #DUPMovies and it has left us crying with laughter. The hashtag is pure genius so we've rounded up some of the best DUP movie names from Twitter so far:

A 'patriotic musical':

The 90s slasher movie that never failed to make us LOL:

The romcom the North needs:

The remake of that film we've all been waiting for:

An 80's classic with a political twist:

If Beyoncé and Jim Carey did a duet and made a love child:

And finally...

A classic that needs no explanation:

Thank you, Twitter...

Also Read: The 17 Films You Forgot You Loved As A 90s Kid

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