Fox News Newsroom Gets Oversized iPad Treatment

Not sure if tiny people.. or giant iPads...

In a drastic move to gain an edge over their rivals, Fox News have unveiled their brand new newsroom, which contains several ridiculously large computer screens that make little or no sense.

In a video tour of sorts, Fox News anchor Shephard Smith shows us the massively elaborate Windows-based giant screens (called 'BATS' ir 'big area touchscreens.. brilliant) as well as a 'Twitter Wall', saying that they wish to use this to connect to their viewers more easily, basically acknowledging that they too rely on Tweeted rumours to get their "exclusives".

It's an enormously over the top move from the staunch republican American news network, but one that is at the same time none too surprising. Just imagine what they'll unleash once the next Presidential elections come around.

Link to video here.

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