
17 Of The Most Cringeworthy Paddy's Day Crap From Dealz And Eurogiant

Go to basically any shop in Ireland right now and be met face-to-face with walls and walls of Paddy's Day crap. It's truly unavoidable, but the good news is there's less than a week to go until everything's swapped out for Easter shit. We've taken the liberty of naming and shaming some of the funniest Paddy's Day items we found in Dealz and Eurogiant, and my God there's some cringeworthy stuff in here.

Try not to vomit:

1. See my vest... see my vest! Oh wait...

2. For the lazy Paddy's Day paradegoer

3. The equivalent to a sexy fairy costume at Halloween

4. It was hard to get a photo of something so terribly made 

5. For when you want to be a little bit naughty but a little bit Catholic

6. Who says you can't be ~fancy~ on Paddy's Day?

7. Get the look of the Irish

8. Let everyone know you're an eejit

9. Or that your baby's an eejit

10. Nothing says Ireland more than leis

11. It's a fairytale to wear these

12. Put them up around your house, instantly become a loser

13. She's clearly stoked

14. These will definitely look good, trust me. 

15. "I hate this"

16. We all know someone over 50 who would wear these no question

17. You can never be too cool.

Also read: Everything You Need To Know About The St. Patrick's Day Celebrations This Year

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.