
The Best 'The Office' Moments That Will Always Be Funny

The Office may have started as a British TV show starring Ricky Gervais, but you have to admit: the US version is better. Steve Carrell made Michael Scott in the most loveable and annoying character on the planet, and the whole gang provided the LOLs. Here's some of the best funny Office TV show moments you'll piss yourself at:

1. When Ryan told his sad story about being Simba

2. Michael on the roof

3. The resuscitation dummy

4. Prison Mike

4. I declare bankruptcy

5. Any time Michael said he hated Toby

6. Little Kid Lover

7. That's what she said

8. Meredith on casual day


9. Scranton, the electric city

Also read: 16 Always Sunny In Philadelphia Moments That'll Make You Cry Laughing

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.