
Greatest Celebrity Ads You Probably Didn't Know Existed

Celebrities do some pretty strange things, and it's common for them to feature in adverts every now and then... but when a celebrity does an advert outside of English speaking countries, it can get a bit weird. If you trawl the internet you will  find some strange adverts staring various celebrities, that you probably didn’t even know existed. Well here are some of the best:

Chuck Norris 

Everybody loves Chuck, so why wouldn’t T-mobile want him as the face of their company? Oh, but only in the Czech Republic, obviously. Here he is in his finest moment.

Hugh Jackman 

When you think of Mr Jackman, I’m sure the first thing you wouldn’t associate him with is dancing, but if you ask the people of Japan, they might think differently.

Tommy Lee Jones

Due to this Japanese canned Coffee, Tommy Lee Jones develops some strange super powers, simultaneously it makes him a bit of a hard ass! Tommy has starred in numerous ads for this company but this one is by far the best.

Snoop Dogg 

Hands down the best celebrity advert has to be this gem. In this ad for a German mobile phone network Snoop Dogg (AKA Snoop Lion) comes out of a mans fridge with a freaky hairdo and singing in German. Needless to say this is a freaky advert. Enjoy!

Oh yeh and least we forget...

Joey From Friends

Probably the best one ever.. even if it is fictional.

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