
16 Things All Long-Distance Besties Know To Be True

Living apart from your BFF is the worst. You feel like a part of you is missing and don't feel whole until you see them again. It's just so unfair but there's plenty of us out there. We feel you. Here's 16 things long-distance besties know to be true:

1. It's just not the same when they're not around

2. New friends are shit craic compared to your BFF

3. Skype just doesn't cut it

4. Your Whatsapp conversation is neverending

5. You have a countdown til when you see each other next

6. Your Snapchatting has gotten out of control

7. That feeling when you see them again

8. You fucking hate when they have to leave

9. When you're back together you make up for lost time

10. You worry they've found a new best friend

11. If they don't reply for a few hours you get worried

12. You want to know everything they're going through. Everything.

13. Drifting apart is not an option

14. Time zones are irrelevant - you will talk anywhere at any time

15. After they leave you feel empty af and get all emotional

16. You daydream about when you're back together again permanently and swear you'll live together

Also read: 34 Toys That'll Bring Back Intense 90s Childhood Flashbacks

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.