LOVE/HATE's Season 4 Teaser Trailer Is Fran-tastic!

RTÉ have released a short teaser trailer of the upcoming season of hit gangland drama series, Love/Hate, and it's anything if not hilarious.

We see series favourite Fran in what would appear to be a Garda station being questioned by the Special Branch (you would think). A very serious Fran looks as if he's about to spill the beans on whomever or whatever he's being questioned about before bursting into a goofy song and dance, to our relief.

Season four of Love/Hate is set to return to our grateful screens in just over two weeks so there's not long to wait for more Fran-anigans! *

*We're very, VERY sorry for the emotional distress that last pun may have caused some readers.

[Feature image courtesy of]

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