Photo: A Shop In Mayo Isn't Taking Any Chances With Their Condom Stock

The 'accidental' opening of a product is legendary amongst retail staff the world over. Everyone has done it at some stage or another. You walk into a supermarket or shop and 'accidentally' touch or taste something that you're not supposed to or without the nod of approval. How are you to know otherwise? Where was the universal sign that said: "Do Not Touch"? Why is that sales assistant looking at me like I peed on the floor?

One shop in Keel, Achill, Mayo isn't taking any chances with their stock. The shop, which has remained anonymous, have made sure their Durex range of products is well protected with this cautionary sign:

Condom advertising done right, Keen, Achill, Co. Mayo from ireland

The photo was taken by Reddit user XMackerMcDonald who named the thread as "condom advertising done right". Here's what Reddit had to say about the shops' necessary precautions:

In general, I can't say I've met many a man who likes to try stuff on in a shop but you really can't be too safe.

Just remember folks, life works in mysterious ways. Protect your condoms and let them protect you.

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