Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Is 'Oculus' The Scariest Movie Of Them All?

Co-writer/director Mike Flanagan’s Oculus introduces audiences to a new kind of terror:  the eerily inscrutable Lasser Glass.  This beautiful antique mirror is no ordinary villain.  Though the mirror’s true origins have been lost with its victims, it carries the name of its first recorded owner, Philip Lasser.  Its seemingly harmless reflections hold a malevolent supernatural force that infects the mind of the viewer, leading to paranoia, distorted visions, and eventually, possession. The mirror’s most recent owners, adult siblings Kaylie (Karen Gillan) and Tim (Brenton Thwaites), are struggling to rebuild their relationship after the violent demise of their parents ten years earlier. Kaylie suspects that past tragedy was caused by the Lasser glass and as she gets closer to the truth, history begins to repeat itself.  The siblings turn on each other, unsure of what is real and what isn’t...until they realize the Lasser glass has gotten a hold of them, too.

Cert: 16

Running Time: 104 mins

Oculus opens in cinemas on Friday 13th  June 2014

Keep an eye out on the CollegeTimes FB & Twitter pages for your chance to win one of ten pairs of tickets for a special preview screening this Wednesday the 11th of June in Dublin...

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