
Niall Horan Injures Ankle After Downing '6 Pints' With Cousin

Niall Horan has taken to Instagram Live to explain the circumstances surrounding an ankle injury he sustained.

The former One Direction singer explained that he was "six pints deep" when he fell over a curb and snapped his ankle ligaments.

"I was chasing my cousin, missed the curb and went over my ankle.

"I snapped all the ligaments on the outside of my foot. I've got such ugly feet or I'd show the world how bruised it is."

However, the Mullingar man did eventually show Instagram the extent of his injuries.

Niall Horan also wasn't solely blaming his penchant for pints for the reason he has to wear a moon boot. Instead, he went on to also blame the freshly laid road he was chasing his cousin on.

"I was running drunk and in these new streets, you can drive down them and they're also sometimes pedestrianised, they look like they're made to be pedestrianised.

"They are not like a real tarmacked street, so the curb looks the same as the actual drivable road and there was a little curb."

We've all been there, mistimed a jump onto the curb. Only, Horan must have been going at some speed to sustain as much damage as he did.

You'd almost be impressed, either way, we hope he gets better soon.

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