
The Unofficial Paddy's Day Drinking Game That Will Destroy You

Who needs a liver anyway? Paddy's Day is fast approaching my little munchkins, which can only mean one thing – drinking. Our national holiday is long associated with destroying our liver and getting absolutely hammered.

So as we're a nation of strong traditional values, it would be unpatriotic to spend the day sober. In order to make the whole ordeal that bit more enjoyable we've created this whopper Paddy's Day drinking game to help you have some good clean fun. Disclaimer: if someone blacks out it's not our fault.

1. Every time you come in contact with someone who claims Irish ancestry – drink

2. Every time you hear an American say 'Patty's Day' – drink

3. When you hear someone with a tri-colour whistle – drink

4. When you hear an individual or a group singing Amhrán na bhFiann – drink

5. If you see vomit on the street – drink

6. If anyone says 'Paddy's Day' – drink

7. If you see someone with shamrock glasses – drink


8. Every time you see a group of teenagers with cans – drink

9. Every time you see someone Irish dancing – drink

10. Every time you see someone with a fake ginger beard – drink

11. Every time you see someone passed out on the street – drink

Good luck to you all.

Also Read: Quiz: Can You Name The Disney Movie From The Song Lyric?

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