
The Harry Potter Patronus Quiz That Only Hardcore Fans Can Complete

Expecto Patronum...

If you've ever been a fan of the Harry Potter series then at one time or another you've definitely thought about what your Patronus would look like. Personally, I've always hoped my Patronus would be a Panda. Yeah, I don't know why either. If you don't know what a Patronus is than I'm not sure this quiz is for you but for those who need a refresher, its kind of like an animal that shoots out of your wand in order to ward off evil spirits known as Dementors who literally suck the life out of you.

You have three minutes to name the Patronus for the each of these HP characters and it's a lot harder than you think:

PS. None of the above innuendos were intentional at all. We're only looking for good clean fun around here *wink*.

Also Read: Quiz: Try Our Insanely Difficult New Harry Potter Quiz

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