
This Guy's Hilarious Quest To Get A Rainbow Bagel Will Change How You Feel About NYC

We all know ~rainbow bagels~ are the jewel in the hipster community's crown, but just how attainable are they for everyday people? And what about people in wheelchairs? One guy set out on a rainbow bagel quest and what he discovered in New York will change how you see the city, and not just because it's home to the most ridiculous food item of all time.

You might know YouTuber and writer Zach Anner from his hilarious and honest videos where he talks about life with Cerebral Palsy. He pokes fun at himself constantly which is why he was perfect to show how fecked NYC is for getting around in a wheelchair.

Not even a couple of minutes into his quest for a rainbow bagel, Zach can't access the subway station without crossing the road several times. And it gets worse... just watch (and prepare to LOL):

Zach handles it well but you can't help but think about just how frustrating this would be. Oh and it takes over FIVE HOURS to get to the bagel shop when it would take 28 minutes for someone on foot.

Cheers to Zach for highlighting this issue, it's silly how inaccessible a major world city is.

Here's another video of Zach explaining more about his disability:

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.