6 Very Good Reasons We're Glad January's Over

We all know the feeling: you're tucking into the last few chocolates when you realise all that's left are Bounty and you just can't deal. You're hungover on the couch with your new mermaid blanket or spread out in those new jocks granny got you when suddenly a shock of reality hits: it's January and you need to get your shit together.

1. New year, new me

As soon as January hits, everyone is a personal trainer and likes to count their calories and prep their meals. White bread is out, avocado is in. Make sure though if you decide to change up your lifestyle for 2017 that you let everyone on every form of social media know, because we are all dying to hear how much you can squat and how good your quinoa and kale salad for lunch was!


2. The Man Flu

You get a pain in your head and mammy's “ah take two Panadol and you'll be grand” just isn't working. Your nose starts running your eyes are watering, suddenly your body is aching, your cold and then hot, and it truly is time to swap those holiday G & Ts for a cup full of Lemsip. Fantastic!


3. You're Broke

Well contactless seemed like a great idea when you hadn't seen Sarah (who moved to France) in ages and you decided to buy her half the bar because it was Christmas. But now you're balls deep in debt, rent is due, and you're going to have to ask for more hours in work and you really just can't get enough of the place as it is.


4. Exam Results

There you are planning your J1 with your pals, heading off to sunny San Diego for the whole summer in the hopes of scoring some sexy American babe and maybe even getting a tan when that accounting exam that you thought went “really well” will be sending you on the first flight home in August to repeat. Ah unreal!


5. You're still single

It feels like half of your friends are in stable relationships, it's 2017 and deep down you thought you would be the one planning a spring break to Paris. But instead you're planning your next night out so you can get the shift or dare I say, get the ride.


6. Dry January

Dreary weather holiday blues. It's the one time of year when you could really do with a bloody drink but everyone is abstaining from the sesh. So now that drinking smoking and excessive eating are out what do you do with yourself? You consider an abundance of cosy nights in with the gals, FIFA tournaments and maybe a trip to the cinema, but then you realise there is actually nothing to do where you live other than sesh. So what do you do? You scrap the diet and scrap dry January two weeks in and you can't resist throwing the ol “who's out tonight?” into the groupchat.


Also read: Cost Of Booze 'n' Smokes: How Ireland Ranks Against Other EU Countries

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Doireann O'Riordan is 21 years old from Cork and loves writing in her free time. She's an outgoing and enthusiastic person who loves to travel and hopes to one day be more involved in media and marketing. Oh and she's up for the craic and loves people!