
Watch: Russell Brand Interrupts Katie Hopkins' Radio Show And It's Gas

Russell Brand is no stranger to messing about during live radio shows - who can forget the time he prank called Andrew Sachs, of Faulty Towers fame, about sleeping with his granddaughter Georgina Baillie? Yesterday Russell Brand interrupted Katie Hopkins, the infamous social commentator a.k.a a troll, during her live LBC radio.

Hopkins was her usual self as she called Russell out for his intrusive behaviour - much like a Mum giving out to a naughty child. Before entering the studio Brand joked to the film crew that he was "terrified" of Hopkins - isn't everybody - and that he would lure "Hatie Kopkins" back to humanity.

The hilarious video was shared on Brand's Twitter and you can watch it here:

Hopkin's returned the favour by pranking Russell during his own show but nobody cares.

Here's the full conversation between the pair:

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