
The 12 Sassiest Comeback Memes That Will Give You Life

There's nothing like a bit of banter with a friend or foe that involves some decent comebacks. The sassiest comebacks in history should be a thing but right now all we have is our favorite celebrities and personalities with the best comebacks. Here are some of the sassiest comebacks in history that we'll never stop loving:

1. The Harry Potter comeback

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2. The John Travolta  comeback

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3. The Tyra Banks comeback

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4.  The "can't be bothered anymore" comeback

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5. The Mc Gregor comeback

6. The shade of it all when someone doesn't even bother to give you a comeback

7. When Scarlett Johanson tells you you're nothing but smelly air

8. The intelligent comeback that leaves them thinking

9. The non-intelligent comeback - Simple but effective

10. The one you can't reply to comeback

11.  The comeback about their family

12. The classy comeback

What's your favorite comeback? 

Also Read: The 10 Songs Played At Every Irish Girl's Pre-Drinks Ever

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