
Did Shia LaBeouf Just Take Over The Rap Game?

Shia LeBeouf looks set to drop the hottest mixtape of 2015, and no one saw it coming...

Child star, turned actor, turned general all round crazy person Shia is back and this time he's not shouting motivational words at us but is instead spitting some intellectual Rhymhes and throwing a diss or two at the Transformers series. I clicked into the video and felt like I was about to watch a very entertaining mental break down, but instead Shia hit me with them BARS. I gotta give it to him, guy kinda spits supa hot fire.

This freestyle session can be added to the forever growing list of times Mr. LaBeouf has gone viral on the internet for doing some crazy shit, whether he's being kicked out of theatre for slapping asses or wearing an extremely fashionable paper bag on his head for red carpet events. I don't what it is about the guy but he does come off as kind of a legend with all his crazy antics, which begs the question; Is Shia LaBeouf the new Kanye West? I could see them collaborating on a song in the future, maybe even a whole album and they could call it "LaYezzy".


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Dafe once went streaking in the middle of the day for the promise of a 4in1. He is in possession of a spectacular ass, and considers himself quite the suave "Motha-Fucka". He studies English and Law in Maynooth University, but rarely attends classes because he is; and I quote - "Too busy mackin them bishes". His love for appletini's is only outweighed by his love for appletini's. Be warned if you ever encounter Dafe in the real world, he will probably turn you to the darkside *whispers* black people...