13 Situations Anyone With Sisters Will Recognise

Ah, sisters, they can be your best friend and your arch nemesis all on the same day. Although you may dream of them slipping on a banana peel or dropping their pressed powder into a million pieces, you love them really.

If you're blessed with sisters, you'll know the daily struggle and annoying habits associated with them. From having to unclog their ratty hair from the shower to running like the clappers when you hear them come in the door and you're wearing their clothes.

Here are some of the trials and tribulations associated with having siblings that happen to be sisters.

1. You regularly find your make up in their room while your mid-rooting through theirs

2. They can ignore you for weeks at a time over the tiniest thing

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3. You swear at them more than Gordan Ramsay swears at chefs

4. You call each other a bitch and it completely goes over their head

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5. They always pick at any food you make

6. You have choreographed dance moves to at least one song

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7. You regularly unclog their disgusting hair from the shower

8. When you hear them coming in the door and you're rooting through their wardrobe you run faster than Usain Bolt

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9. Although you always steal each other's clothes, there's that one piece of white clothing you know is off limits

10. When you eventually go on a night out with them you have the best craic ever

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11. And then spend the next day fighting

12. Even if you kill each other, once one of you go away for a while you realise how much you miss them

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13. Finally... Although they wreck your head, you would smack anyone talking shit about them

Because at the end of the day, you're family and you would do anything for each other...except if they wear that white top, then they're dead.

Also Read: Who Would You Rather Snog, Marry Or Avoid Out Of These 24 Famous Irish Faces?

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