
Marvel's TWO New Spider-Man Trailers Makes It Look Like A Family-Friendly Deadpool

Marvel have gone and done us all a solid by dropping not one, but two final trailers for Spider-Man Homecoming. The mega-blockbuster is set to hit screens on July 7 and follows on from Peter Parker's experience with The Avengers.

The two new trailers offer us some new footage, like seeing Spider-Man web-up The Vulture.

The second trailer starts with Peter's home videos from Captain America: Civil War, followed by Stark reminding him that the hotel room walls are thin and he'd better keep his voice down when talking about his superpowers. It looks like Marvel's most recent film will definitely be on the light-hearted side with Peter's innocence as the main source of comic relief.

Make sure to watch until the end when Peter admits to stealing Captain America's shield. Gas stuff altogether.

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