
5 Essential Things We All Learned On St Brigid's Day In Primary School

With today being St Brigid's Day, the first day of the Celtic spring we decided to reminisce on the way we used to celebrate way back in primary school.

If you went to a Catholic school St Brigid's Day was absolutely essential in the school calendar. It was normally celebrated with a lovely school mass, perhaps making a few cross' out of rushes and let's not forget, singing a few religious tunes.

Looking back it may seem irrelevant but ladies and gentlemen, it was truly so much more. Here's all the shite things we used to do to celebrate it.

1. The classic Alive-O song

'We sing a song for Brigid, Brigid is our Queen.' It was seriously catchy but sorry love Beyonce is the only Queen around here.

2. The accompanied Alive-O story

Alive-0 tried to make religion fun for kids and featured funky illustrations to make Jesus seem down with the kids. The Brigid story was one of the best ones and featured Brigid making her funky cloak – more on that later.

3. Making Brigid's Day crosses

This was an essential part of the whole celebration. Everyone attempted to make cross' as pretty as teachers but they all ended up looking like shite.

4. Praying a few daffodils would pop up

It was meant to be the beginning of early Spring, but the real reason was so you could get a hurley and kill every last one of them with a single swipe.

5. The cheeky story of Brigid's cloak

Brigid was a feisty one. The story goes she went to the king of Leinster and asked him for some land to build a convent. She said 'c'mere can I please have as much land as my cloak covers' and the king laughed and said, 'alright, yeah.' She called up three of her mates and the cloak stretched until she had enough land to make her convent. If that wasn't enough the king converted to Christianity to boot – some woman.

Also read: 11 Ridiculous Rumours That Went Around Schools In The 2000s

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