
Theories That Ruin The Rugrats (And Your Childhood)

The Rugrats theory is something that is blasted around the world and has been discussed at length and is probaby ruining the rugrats for everybody. If you haven't heard it you're in luck I'm about to explain it to you.

It's All In Angelica's Head..

This theory is based on the idea that Angelica imagined up all her little baby friends because she was lonely, mentally ill or as a result of her mother taking drugs while pregnant.

Tommy Pickles Was Never Born..

This part of the theory says Tommy, Angelica's cousin, was stillborn and that is way Stu is constanty in the basement working on toys and longing after the child he never had. Just a bit crazy.

Chuckie Died Along With His Mother..

This explains with Chaz, Chuckie's father, was such a mumbling bumbling messy bag of nerves.

Phil & Lil Were Never Born Either..

The theory says that the DeVilles had an abortion and Angelica didn't know if the baby was to be a boy or girl so she imagined twins.

Dil Was Actually Real..

This may explain why Dil was the only one that could talk to Angelica like the others. The theory suggests that Angelica could not tell the difference from the real baby Dil from the babies in her coco crazy brain. After constant refusal to obey her commands Angelica hits Dil causing a Brain hemorrhage and causing his deformed head. This has presented itself later in 'All Grown Up' with dil's evident weirdness and social exclusion.

Chaz Married A Cocaine Addict..

Chaz went a little crazy after the death of his first wife and child and is in total denial about Kira being an addict and possibly a prostitute so the theory goes. Kira and Chaz met in Paris and upon their return to America they get married and live relativly happily ever after, although Kira has her ups and downs with her addictions.

Suzie Was Real Too..

Suzi was Angelica's only real friend who entertained Angelica's schizophrenia behaviour for her sake.

Cynthia Is Angelica's Mam..

Not literally. Angelica's mam actually died of an overdose and Angelica's dad, Drew, remarried a gold digging sociopath who Angelica idolized and fooled herself into thinking it was her real mother. Cynthia is modeled in her real mothers image, such as the scruffy cloths and messy hair. That's why Angelica had such an emotional attachment to the doll.

Angelica Dies At 13

After years of struggle Angelica sadly passes away from a drug overdose, like  her mother, at the age of thirteen. Suzie organises the funneral and later she becomes a psychiatrist to try and prevent her friends sad passing happening to somebody else. 

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