
WATCH: The Lost Friends Episode Where Chandler Dies

'The one where Chandler dies'

Friends, despite all the heartache and drama is a light and quirky show. Watch it get existential in this Youtube mashup created by user, Dogfood.

In the opening crawl we see Mr. Bing's last moments on earth. He sprints frantically through the streets of New York before tragically being 'Hit by and Ice-Cream Truck and dragged 19 blocks', an accident that proves to be ultimately fatal.

We get to see the chirpy clientele of Central Perk fall to pieces with out their wisecracking, anxiety-riddled compatriot around.

In a shock twist Chandler returns from the afterlife as a green apparition. Unfortunately he's completely invisible, and the only way he can interact with the gang is with poltergeist activity.

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