23 Thoughts Every Student Has When They Wake Up With A Hangover

Hangovers are the necessary evils that aren't technically necessary because you definitely didn't need to have all those tequila shots, but they are 100% evil. "I'll be smarter next time," you tell yourself. You probably won't - but, you will probably have these 13 thoughts the next time you wake up with a hangover.

1. Oh god. What time is it? Is it already the next day?

2. Who. Is. That.

3. Mental check: Wallet. Phone.

4. Oh SHIT where is my wallet?!

5. Why did I have those tequila shots last night? What was I trying to prove?

6. I can't even wear my glasses, which means I can't put on my contacts. Today will not be happening.

7. Tea or coffee? Water? Hamburger? WHAT WILL FIX THIS.

8. I'm a failure.

9. I refuse to look at my snap story.

10. Getting out of bed today is not happening.

11. When will I stop making the dumbest choices?

12. Should I shower?

13. I should go on a run. That's something good for my body.

14. *Stands up* Nooope no nope noooo not running nope.

15. Is this why I'm single? Do "girlfriends" hold their liquor?

16. When the fuck did I eat a burrito?


18. I'm terrified to check my bank statement.

19. I legitimately think I was hit by a truck last night.

20. Why did I call Mom 14 times...

21. Who is "Tom" and why did he text me "sup" at 3am?

22. Will I come out victorious today?

23. I'm never drinking again.

Credit: BuzzfeedVideo.

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