The Definitive Ranking Of Irish Dairy Milk Bars

The dairy milk bar is an institution in itself.

It is without a doubt Cadburys most successful chain of chocolate bars and it's easy to see why – they're delicious. With so many flavours and fillings to choose from, they're the centre of much debate amongst Irish college students.

Although some people might have unusual favourites, we've ranked the tastiest bars in order because we're always right. So without further ado, here is the definitive ranking of dairy milks according to us.

1. Dairy Milk original

Keeping it real. Original is always best.

2. Dairy Milk golden crisp

Those delicious crunchy crisps will always have a place in my heart.


3. Dairy Milk Caramello

There's nothing better than biting into a bar of dairy milk with a caramel centre. Mmmmm


4. Dairy Milk wholenut

Finding the hazelnut is half the fun.


5. Dairy Milk bubbly

Not quite as good as the original but still pretty nice.


6. Dairy Milk daim

Daim bars are delicious and this is a great combo, only issue is they can be a bit dry.


7. Dairy Milk oreo

This is a great combo but can be a bit much after a while.


8.Dairy Milk fruit and nut

This is the ultimate old person bar, it's alright but nothing on the other flavours.


9. Dairy Milk tiffin

The state of raisins, the state of tiffins.


9. Dairy Milk mint crisp

Mint chocolate is rotten, it's like eating chocolate with a chewing gum in your mouth.


10. Dairy Milk turkish delight

This flavour should be banished from existence, the only place it belongs is in the bin.


Let us know what your favourite flavours are?

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