
Survey Reveals Graduates From Which Irish Courses Most Likely To Get Jobs

A recent survey carried out by Higher Education Authority (HEA) revealed some interesting insights regarding the graduates most likely to get jobs.

The survey, which was conducted 9 months after graduation, was carried out on 29,000 graduates who graduated in 2017 from higher education institutions. The overall findings show that 78% of graduates are now working, 14% are in further education or training, only 5% are currently seeking employment and 4% are engaged in other activities such as travel. The survey also revealed that 90% of working graduates are staying in Ireland. The Celtic Tiger is back. However, the city and rural divide is still evident with 43% of this 90% finding employment in Dublin and 14% finding employment in Cork.

So for the interesting part, which graduates are most likely to get jobs? The survey highlighted that the employment outcomes were most positive for Education graduates, with an overwhelming 93% working or about to start a job. This was followed in second by Health and Welfare at 87% and Informational and Communications Technology and Engineering were in a tie for in third place at 82%. The lowest percentages working or about to start a job were Arts and Humanities graduates. Don't let that discourage you when filling out the CAO. The world needs Philosophers, they carry the most interesting and insightful conversations when you're standing in the queue for job seekers. That been said Arts and Humanities graduates had the highest percentage in further study at 24%.

So if you're a Teacher, not only do you have 3 months holidays but you also dodge those graduate blues of being on job seekers for months on end. Life is looking good.


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