
10 Guidelines To Creeping In Your College Library

Exam time is now, which means that procrastination is at its highest in colleges everywhere. Crowded college libraries are the number one place for creeping, and it's not just the guys that do it.

It's okay to do a bit of creeping in your break from the books, but just don't get caught!

Here are the most stealthiest ways to creep in your college library. Take note.

10. Snapbacks.

You may notice an increase in the number of caps around your college campus. They act as great tools to hide the wandering eyes.

9. Walky-talkies.

What good is creeping if you can't share it with someone else? Just make sure to put them on a low volume.

8. Make use of the gaps in the book shelves.

Libraries are naturally a great place for creeping. High shelves and gaps between books allow you to lurk in the shadows and peer through aisles unnoticed.

7. Binoculars.

A creepy invention by definition, a pair of binoculars helps you see further than your eyes allow you to. Very Useful to grab a gawk at that fox behind the computer at the other end of the library.

6. Avail of the college security cameras.

Library workers may use them all the time. They're watching you, and you don't even know it!

5. Pretend to read.

The age-old method of peering over a book you're pretending to read gives off the impression that you're "studying" but we all know what you're really up to. Leaning back in your chair, hood up, gazing over the top of your engineering textbook.

4. Take your break by the window outside the library.

The majority of libraries have those tall windows, which usually acts as a distraction for students looking out into the world. The benches outside the window are key locations for skilled creepers. "Eating lunch" eh?

3. Take advantage of a high vantage point.

Hanging from a sturdy ceiling fan or crouching at the a top of a staircase are two prime locations to get your creep on. Use your ninja techniques to stay hidden from your victims.

2. Grab a mirror to peer around corners.

Prison tactics. You've got to be creative if you want to be the best and avoid detection. Mirrors allow you to get around those corners of tables that you wouldn't be able to see otherwise.

1. Wear your sunglasses.

It's not sunny out, and you're not hungover. Sunglasses give your eyes the freedom to creep at will. Mirrored sunglasses are the best. They'll get paranoid and think that you're creeping on them, but they'll never be able to prove it. Success!

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Ian is a contributing writer for CollegeTimes. He is currently partying his ass off for the Summer having spent the past 7 years at various colleges across the globe. While by no means an athlete, he considers himself a world class darts player... If you tweet him he will not respond.