
10 People You Meet In College

So were almost at the halfway point of the year, by now you should have settled into college and you're beginning to see all these different personalities forming around you. Be careful though, you most likely fall into one of these categories yourself... But there is still time to change, you don't have to be the Pyjamas girl forever...

The Teachers Pet

Arm locked into question asking position, maintains a solid relationship with all professors and even calls them by their first names... these students are usually of the more mature age and disposition.

The Resurrected

Absent all semester, right up until you spot them across the exams hall copying notes off their hand, or from the nerd sitting beside them, they will usually email you at some stage during the year looking for notes / hints for the exam.

Part Time Student Part Time Mum

Was planning on going back to college to earn her degree / possibly have some fun but midway through the first semester she finds out she's pregnant, and has to endure childbirth and exams at the same time... Don't know which is worse!

The  Borrower

Forgets pens / paper / laptop, will show up to class late and without any knowledge of what is going on, as if he somehow miraculously appeared in College for the first time in his life, not knowing who the hell he is...

Back To School Granny / Granddad

Ahh the mature student, what else can be said about them except that they are the bane of any college students existence, on campus primarily to learn, no craic is to be had around them. I once saw one stumble upon a photo of himself in a history textbook

The Pyjamas Girl

Usually out on the rip 'til all hours the night before, surprising that they haven't actually dragged themselves straight from coppers to the lecture, but waking up is enough effort for them without having to get properly dressed (NB Trinity students you may not have seen this but it does happen elsewhere)

The Van Wilder

You all know who he is, come to think of it isn't he one of your big brother's mates? In college so long and so often but you've never seen him near a lecture, only at the bar.

The Student Union Types

You know the types, had no friends in secondary school, desperately looking for friends in college, typically considers running for Ents officer in the early part of college life but ends up as Education officer (that he / she won in a non contested race)

The Absentee Students

See above (The Resurrected), the absentee isn't quite as bad as that but they will only turn up to things like labs and classes where attendance counts towards grades. They are smart enough to get a A in everything but literally couldn't be arsed so they end up with a solid all the C's and a 2:2 at the end of it all.

The Hipsters

Ahh the hipsters, unless you're in NCD or some other artsy fartsy college like that, these people are only really pseudo hipsters, they follow the same patterns only just slightly to late to be considered a true 'YOLO' trendy underground hipster.

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Editor for CollegeTimes, UCD graduate and music lover.