
10 Things Girls Find Unattractive About Men...

Boys, we love you, but sometimes you do things that send us over the edge. If you're guilty of any of the following traits, you need to make a few changes. Who knows, your girlfriend could thank you with some cheeky sex...

Your feet...

If your feet smell, put some socks on. Preferably clean ones. Or even wash them, if you're feeling crazy.

Scratching your balls

I'm perfectly fine with you scratching your balls, just not in front of me please. And if you dare smell your hands, you'll be in serious trouble.

No manners

Opening doors and buying flowers for a girl will earn you some serious brownie points. Obviously, there's no need to go full Mr. Darcy, but you'd be amazed how being a gent can help you get a girl into bed.

Smelling awful

If we lived in the desert, sweating would be forgiven. But we don't. Deodorant is not expensive, so please make the investment. Your girl will be much more willing to get close to you, I promise.


Everyone loves to hear good news but, if you know you're repeating yourself, change the story. No one likes a bragger.

Talking down to you

It's so so rude, and a seriously unattractive quality in a man. It makes you look seriously immature.

Your filth

You can be as messy as you like but, if there's a girl in your company, throw everything in a bag or in your closet. Showing her your bedroom could actually work out for you...

Being over-protective

Sometimes it's nice to have someone stand up for you, but most women can handle themselves. Tone it down a bit.

Lack of ambition

Laziness is acceptable during college, but if you're deliberately not taking your woman out because you can't be fucked, sort it out. Start with the cinema, you can sit down in there.

No sense of humour

A sense of humour is the most attractive characteristic a man can have. So, boys, go brush up on some killer jokes. If all else fails, just laugh at her jokes or steal some comedy from your mates.

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Alex is a History of Art & Philosophy graduate from the illustrious Trinity College, which makes her a natural fit for College Times. She spends Monday to Friday writing smut and her weekends thinking deeply and History of Arting.