
10 Things That Are 'Acceptable' To Do During Exam Season

Ah exam season! For some it's been only 5 months since the Christmas bout; for others its been a whole year. In case you're trying to remember the laws of do's and don'ts during this stressful time of year, here are 10 things its...'Acceptable' to do during exam season (within reason).

Eat like there is no tomorrow

Exam season means only one thing: JUNK FOOD. Living off takeaways? Eating sweets as if you're living in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory? Its graaaaand. 'sure it's exam season?'

Watching movie box sets

'I've spent an hour in the library I deserve a break!' 1 lecture slide down, 23 to go but on the plus side all 8 Harry Potter movies? CHECK !

Getting obnoxiously drunk on your 'treat' night out

Lets get serious. Being cooped up in a library for 12 hours a day is unrealistic. Everyone deserves a treat night out to de-stress. Two problems can be encountered on these alcohol fuelled nights. One will either get absolutely pissed and suffer a 2 day hangover, eating into the little time that remains for cramming. Or one will not get as drunk as anticipated, resulting in a string of nights out as you convince yourself 'they just haven't been worth it'.

Crying for no reason

Admittedly you're freaking out, but the late nights, junk food and lack of fresh air have gotten to you. As you stand in the quiet corner of the kitchen, making your 7th coffee of the day, you tear up...then sob...then bawl. You're not even really sure why. Its exam season though, so you need no reason at all.

Releasing the bitch within 

Parents or friends asking how the study's going?? Shit. is. going. to. hit. the. fan. They have five seconds to run away or hang up the phone because the verbal attack is on its way.

However avoid tearing the head of the poor soul sitting beside you who simply whispered 'do you have a spare pen.  You will see that person some day, maybe even in the exam hall and you'll simply be known as 'that psycho bitch'.

Exam Season=Tracksuit Season

Comfort is key! Whip out that cotton piece of heaven and wear it around with pride.

Bad Hair Days

Look around. Those with the messy thrown up hair are the ones far too busy during this time. During exam season every waking moment is precious. These people are truly committed to the task at hand. Those with the perfect hair all neatly styled are either studying for their hair dressing finals, or are not too stressed about the impending exams.

No Make-Up

This is quite a risk. College during exam times becomes creep central as everyone looks for any distraction from their work. On the plus side many people will be in the same boat therefore making it largely acceptable. However bear in mind;




Its a fairly loose, loose situation, but none the less, an acceptable one.

Not going to the gym

Gym? Who the hell has time for that? It may well be a way to de-stress but if you're one of the many students spends an hour debating whether to go or not, trying to convince people to go with you, updating your 'work out' play list or debating to wear leggings or shorts then you should probably avoid all 'to go the gym or to not go to the gym' debates.

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