
13 Struggles Of Being Friends With A Flaky Person

We've all heard the expression "Life deals each of us our own hand", or something equally profound. But for those of us who've been dealt the hand that sadly includes a flaky friend, we deserve the most empathy.

Here are the struggles we have to go through just to stop ourselves from strangling our beloved flaky friend to death on a daily basis...

1. You Never Know If They're Actually Gonna Show Up When You Make Plans.

It's one thing making plans the day before and hoping one night isn't enough time for them to come up with an excuse to cancel. Unfortunately, any length of time longer than one night and they'll more than likely have an excuse rehearsed to perfection. D*ckheads.

2. And If They Do Show Their Faces, Chances Are They're Hours Late.

Then again, by that stage you're probably too delighted that they actually fucking showed up to even get pissed off about having to wait 45 minutes for them.

3. Their Mood Swings Are So Unpredictable.

One minute you're skipping down the pavement hand in hand, the next they're screaming their heads off at you and you're left to wonder what in the name of Chhhrist is going on with them. Did they even mean it when they said they didn't mind whether we went to a nightclub or a bar? Jesus.

4. Constantly Listening To Their Excuses Gets Old.

It's like FUCK OFF. Just- Fuck off. You're at the stage now where you're trying so hard to convince yourself to believe that they have their period for the fourth time....this month. Come on, really?

5. Especially When You Know It's Total Bullshit.

There are only so many times you can blame being a moody bitch on your fucking period mkaay?

6. You Start To Get Paranoid About Whether They Like You Or Not.

Flaky friends have this God-awful way of making other people feel like they are a piece of shit. They make you think they must hate you, because why else would they cancel four times in a row and not ask to reschedule?

7. And Even When You Ask Them Straight Out, You Struggle To Believe Their Answer.

Because you can literally smell the bullsh*t as soon as they open their mouth.

8. Texting Them Is Basically A Waste Of Everyones Time.

If you're lucky, you might get a reply within two days of sending the text. Otherwise, it's either call to their house, or go on live TV to talk directly to them. Even at that you might not hear from them for a few hours or so, depending on how they're feeling.

9. "Maybe" Is Their Favourite Word In Their Vocabulary.

Screw you and your 'maybe', you stupid son of a bitch.

10. They Are THE WORST People To Do Group Projects With.

And group projects are shit enough as it is without the added stress of being teamed with a flaky person. You just know they're going to be the one who disappears mid-week and isn't seen or heard from until the day before the assignment is due. And they usually get away with it!

11. You Can't Trust Them With Anything.

"Oh, you didn't want anyone to know? My bad."

12. They're Not Afraid To Pull Out Of Plans At The Last Minute.

Even if you've booked those tickets to see that hot guys band play for like the third time. Just as you're stepping out the door, your phone beeps...fucksAAAKE.

13. They Can Never Remember Your Birthday.

But they remember that you owe them three drinks from the last time you guys were out? Get the fuck out.

Video: How To Deal With The Flaky Friend

Credit: Videojug

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