
13 Struggles Indecisive Women Know All Too Well

There is nothing quite like an indecisive woman. She's confident, assertive and dominant in her career and love life, but when it comes to the simple things like what to eat, she's a basket case. Here are just a few things that every indecisive woman will know very well.

1) Deciding where to eat is the biggest challenge of each day. There's too many choices and inevitably we'll make the wrong one.
2) Menus are an absolute minefield. If we could have an extra half hour to peruse it, that'd be great. Food envy is very real and we'd like to avoid it.
3) Having a shower in the morning or getting an extra ten minutes sleep is an on-going inner debate. Though dry shampoo has made that decision a teensy bit easier.
4) Ditto breakfast. Do we really need something to sustain us through the morning when our bed is this enticing?
5) Netflix is our own personal hell. So. Many. Choices.
6) To go to the gym or to lie on the couch? A daily struggle and yet we all know which one wins out.
7) Where to go on a night out is a choice you never, ever make. You'll end up spending your night in places you despise just to avoid actually having to make a decision.
8) To let your FOMO get the best of you, or be good and stay in. To some this may seem like a no-brainer, but to the indecisive woman, this is a struggle we face EVERY SINGLE FRIDAY.
9) To cook dinner or get take away. Your head says be economical and cook but your heart says PIZZA.
10) Don't even start us on deciding what to wear. If the clothes aren't laid out the night before, we're going to be late for work. #Sorrynotsorry.
11) Getting our haircut is a bit of an ordeal for everyone involved. We won't have committed 100% to what we want until the first locks hit the floor. Warning: there may be tears involved.
12) Accompanying us shopping is just a no-go. Why would you want to witness us fret over whether we really want that lilac crop top even though it only costs €8.
13) Ordering a drink at a bar? Yeah we're the annoying ones faffing about, not able to commit to whether we want a beer or gin and tonic.
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Sorcha loves everything HBO, Wes Anderson and Harry Potter related. Tina Fey is her dream woman and she believes Hillary Clinton should run the world.