
13 Things Students Hate To Admit They Love

There are many things in your college years that you love and hate. There are many things you say you hate but you actually love. It might be a way of staying 'cool'. It could be a way of hiding your true callings in life. But that one night when you get too drunk and you're singing and dancing to Taylor Swift faster than you can say "two Jägerbomb's for a tenner", this is when it will all come to light. You may be in denial or you may be aware of the lies you tell. Either way, here are 13 Things Students Hate To Admit They Love.

1) Pop Music

Dance music or rap music could be the center of your soul. From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep music is your everything. Yeah, we get it. You love, love, love it. But, pop music, God no! You just cannot stand it. Want to know a secret? You all actually love it. You bop to it when it's on the radio and you dance to it in the club. But, yes you are saying you disagree with this because you don't want to admit it.

2) Bitching

Unfortunately, the world of bitching is ever so popular these days. You may pride yourself on not talking about others and may try and look like that nice girl or guy. But there is no need to lie here. We know you love it and you just can't wait to do it.

3) Staying In

Nobody wants to be the party pooper. Then again, no one wants to go out all the time. But you are a student and you must not miss a night out on the town. Little thing we all hate to admit is that we love a good night in. In reality, theres nothing better than a night in scouring Facebook and watching continuous episodes of the new show you are obsessed with.

4) Ranting

A good rant can come over the best of us. You rant and rant and rant and then when it is over you feel better and more relaxed. But you then apologize about the rant because you don't want anyone to see you in that light. The truth is you loved rambling on, you just usually make your family members listen to it.

5) Getting Good Grades

It is not that we hate doing well in college, that would be stupid. It is that when we are around fellow scholars we act like we don't care about how well we do. So, if we get a B in something we thought we failed, we can't do a Michael Jackson 'Shamoan'd' we would normally do in the privacy of our own homes.

6) Sh*t Movies

We can all be as intellectual as the next person. We all want to go to the movies that are nominated for an oscar or that have been made in alarming conditions. But let's face it, we're all friends here, and there are at least 5 movies we love that everyone else hates and we will never admit to it. It could be a rom com, a horror or the mind boggling Sharknado. Moral of the story: we aren't going to tell anyone.

7) Library

"Ughhhh I've to go to the library!" is a common phrase that a student would say. But some of you may love the library. In fact, there is nowhere you would rather hang out. As a student, you will never admit that you like it, and, similar to Libro cop, you hate it when people are loud.

8) The Kardashians

You can say you hate them. You can say you know nothing about them. Hell, you can even say you don't know who they are. But, you love them don't you? You really, really love them. And, you're not telling anybody.

9) Rain

We give out and moan about the weather. We act like we are surprised every time. But, we live in Ireland for Christ's sake what were you expecting? The sound of it on your windows while you cosy up with a take away is something you'll never get in Oz. Yes you've guessed it, you secretly love when it rains.

10) Going To The Gym

You pretend it is a trek. You pretend you don't want to go. But, if you didn't go how would you tell the world you went? Students love to make sure every person they know is aware that they are in or went to the gym. So, give out about it all you want, but you love nothing less than checking-in at the gym.

11) Watching Fights

There is nothing better for us students than witnessing a fight. I'm not talking a massive, physical brawl. We're not evil. We don't want to see any injuries. But for that brief 10 seconds of a fight our face lights up as our fellow scholars yell "fight, fight, fight". We just love it. We will deny it but we think that it was bloody brilliant.

12) Picking Our Noses

We all do it. We all say we don't do it. But you do and you enjoy it. Just make sure no one catches you doing it.

13) Getting Others Approval

"I don't care." "I really don't give a shit." "To be honest I just don't care whatsoever." We're young, we're vulnerable and yes we do care...a lot.

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Article written by
Lauren Rol: A UCD graduate who spends most of her time watching the Soaps. A devout fan of Chinese food and a French Bulldog obsessive.