
The 15 Biggest Regrets Of An Irish Student

1. That One Shot Of Tequila

You were having a great time. The music was brilliant, the craic was unreal and that guy you liked was eyeing you up. Next thing you know someone roars “SHOTS!”. Great! You're delighted. The nights just about to get even better. Then you're handed the shot and your heart sinks, your palms grow sweaty and your hopes and dreams for the night dissolve. It's the slippery mistress herself: tequila. You know you shouldn't. But then you think to yourself “What harm will it do? Sure I'm having a great night. I'm fecking class and I can handle this.” You down it and successfully keep it down, result! Next thing you know you're being woken up, your head is pounding, your stomach is churning, all of your friends are in your room roaring, laughing and chanting at you, playing multiple videos of you acting the absolute drunken fool from the night before. Oh and the guy you liked shifted your friend. Wonderful.

2. That One Shift

Everyone has that one (or twenty) shift(s) they are absolutely mortified about. That one person you shifted who when anyone brings it up you tackle them to the ground and force them into silence. The shift more than likely occurred after that shot of tequila. Your friends also have photos and videos of it. Life = over.

3. That Night You Didn't Go Out

Everyone was going out but you had been out the night before and had a million assignments due, so you decided being the mature adult that you are that you would give it a miss, seeing as every night you were out recently was the same. Since that night you have heard about nothing else but how brilliant it was. Bono showed up and bought everyone a round of drink. It was the Irish equivalent of The Hangover. Never had they had as much craic and never will they again. “Tim? You know Tim? Tim the tall one, the insanely hot fella who's also absolutely hilarious? We met him that night ... Ohhh wait that was the night you didn't go out”. As a result you now have a severe case of FOMO and can't miss another night out ever again.

4. That Course You Didn't Put Down

So you're happy enough in your own course. It's alright. When everyone asks you how it's going you give the standard “grand”. But Sarah's course seems unreal. The most enraging part is that you even had enough points you just didn't know about the course. Wow, who knew those career exhibitions you dossed around at would actually come back to bite you in the ass?

5. That Exam You Shouldn't Have Gambled On

You did it again. You promised yourself you wouldn't but you left all study to the last minute and left yourself well and truly screwed for the exam worth 50% of the module. So what do you do? You have exactly 5 hours, 26 minutes and 43 seconds until it starts. Do you squish in a brief study of everything or just study 2 or 3 things in detail? You decide to gamble and make predictions and so you only study 2 things. You sit down at the exam, open the exam paper and the worst feeling in the world hits you: nothing you studied came up. Now that crappy result keeps haunting you and dragging down your average.

6. That Friend You Grew Apart From

When you started college you thought it would be totally easy to stay best friends with everyone at home as well as people in college. Piece of cake. Sure you love the craic. What you hadn't anticipated was how the people you met in college are the nicest, funniest people you've ever met and quickly become your best friends. You kept meaning to call your friend from home and they kept meaning to call you, but between new friends, assignments and college nights out everything got on top of you both and you haven't talked to each other in months. Now it feels like you're acquaintances instead of best friends.

7. Those People You wasted Your Time On

You thought they were nice people when you hung round with them. Now a few years later you realise what in the name of god were you thinking? Everyone you talk to asks you why you were friends with them and when you meet them now they act like they don't even know you.

8. That Stuff You Put On Bebo And Facebook

It seemed like a good idea at the time. Why not write “lyyk diiz”? Why not pose like that? Why not put up that totally hilarious status? Now it's a weapon in your friends hands. You get a notification and you think “how nice of Gavin to like my picture!” Then you notice the date. No, surely it's not ... Oh God it is. It's dated 3 years ago. You click in and cringe and cringe and cringe at the inch thick make up, the tutu and the neon leg warmers. Alright Gavin, two can play at this game.

9. That Interview You Fecked Up

You knew it was a terrible idea to go out but the interview wasn't until 12 the next day so it would probably be ok. Anyway you didn't really have a choice because you have FOMO from missing that night out with Bono. You go out and it ends up being the night with that one shot of tequila too many and that shameful shift. You're rudely woken up to a violent, shameful headache and you realise you have to be at the interview in half an hour. Instead of trying to impress your interviewer you have to put all your energy into not projectile vomiting all over his desk. Needless to say all you got was dirty looks instead of a job. Now every time you're slaving away at the job you have you think of a much happier you in the job you failed to get.

10. That Uncle You Accepted On Facebook

He sent you a friend request. You didn't really want to accept but you felt guilty declining. Now your entire extended family knows about every little thing you do and you get multiple calls from your Granny asking “why were you out last night, were you not out last week?” and enquiries about when the last time you were at mass was.

11. That Assignment You Shouldn't Have Left To The Last Minute

Similar to exams, you simply can't just sit down and do the work, you have to procrastinate. Now it's the night before it's due and you have to pull 2,500 words out of your arse. You end up handing in an assignment of half the word count that you're embarrassed to put your name on. You manage to scrape a pass out of some miracle but now your continuous assessment mark is pretty much useless and if you don't do well in the exam you're screwed.

12. That Person You Lived With

You agreed to live with that girl you knew and you thought what could go wrong? Well it turns out plenty. Seemingly she's a psychopath in disguise. She eats your food, she doesn't clean up after herself, she's noisy, she invites all her annoying friends over ALL THE TIME, one of them breaks a window which she makes you contribute to paying for but doesn't ask him to pay at all, the list goes on and on. Now you don't speak to each other.

13. The Way You Used To Dress

You can never forget about it because people like Gavin keep liking pictures of you from 3 years ago bringing it up on everyone's Facebook newsfeed. The bum grazing hot pants, the bra-revealing tops, the bodycon EVERYTHING, the raw, painful shame.

14. That Summer You Wasted

You had great plans. First of all you were going to go on a J1. Then everyone was so disorganised it didn't happen. Then you had great plans of working in some bar in Ios for the Summer. That didn't happen either. Well if you're going to stay at home you may as well learn to drive. Suddenly you have a week of Summer left and you haven't sat in the driving seat of a car. In fact you've done nothing of any interest or fun. Shite.

15. That T.V. Show You Started Watching

“Watch this”, they said. “It's brilliant”, they said. What they failed to mention is the fact that it's highly addictive and will take over your life, especially because there's 10 seasons. There goes a few months down the drain.

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