
15 Things Only People With Beards Will Understand

Since the dawn of time a man has always been judged by his beard, it can have a major impact on how people perceive you. A beard can say a lot about you, whether it's just a 5 o clock shadow or a pair of mutton chops, it says a lot about who you are. For those non-bearded people there is a lot they don't have to deal with. There are some pros and cons to having beards, but mainly pros. Here are things only people with beards understand.

15) You don't shave, you trim

They key to maintaining an excellent beard is giving it a trim every now and then. There is nothing worse than a beard that is  poorly groomed. You just need to maintain it enough so that it's not out of control,  if your going to have a beard you might as well keep it looking fresh.

14)  Having your own beard grooming kit

You will need a grooming kit to keep it looking good. It has everything you need to keep your beard looking fresh, such as a trimmer, a comb, and conditioner. If you're anyway serious about having a beard you have to have a grooming kit.

 13) Stroking your beard for wisdom

We all know that a man's beard is his main source of wisdom, anytime you're stumped and are in deep thought you have to rub your beard for inspiration. Your beard acts as a filter for your thoughts and it gives you a chance to reassess the situation.

12) Beards really do change everything

A beard will instantly turn your from young and foolish to wise and mature. When you look at a bearded man you automatically think that this is man who has been around the track a few times and has experienced things you haven't experienced yet.

11) All great minds and thinkers had beards

From Greek philosophers to the great Renaissance artists , they all had one thing in common, beards. Throughout history beards have been a symbol of intelligence and critical thinking. When you grow a beard you're channeling the greatest minds to have walked the earth.

10) When you're bored or stressed, it's something to mess with

It acts like a stress ball and when you're under pressure your beard is always there. Its also great for when your bored, it's something to mess with while when your reading the paper.

9) Getting compliments about your beard

When someone notices your finely tuned beard it can make your day. The fact that they took the time out to compliment your beard is great, all the time you spent taking care of your beard has paid off.

8) Going a long stretch without shaving

There is a certain freedom to just let your beard grow. When you know that you have a busy month ahead of you, it's always good to know you don't have to look after it and just let it grow.

7) It keeps your face warm during the winter

For those unfortunate souls without beards, winter can be tough. For those with beards you have a natural insulator on your face. The beard has kept many a man warm throughout the winter months.

6) You have an excuse to look like a hobo

If you're having one of those days where really just couldn't give a shit about how you look, your beard gives you an excuse. People won't judge if you're looking bad and you have a beard, it's your job to look rough and rugged.

5) Growing a beard because others can't

Believe or not there are some people out there that can't grow a beard , the closest they get is stubble. If you can actually grow a proper beard you should embrace it and become the bearded man you were meant to be.

4) It's an extension of your persoanlity

Depending on the type of beard you have, it says a lot about you. If you have a goatee, you like to keep things simple, If you have a full beard, you're a man's man and you crave the outdoors. You can automatically tell what type of man you are from the beard you have.

3) The lady's can't get enough of it

Not every girl is into beards, but those who are into them can't get enough. There is a certain lore and mystique that a beard brings to a mans face that makes him irresistible.

2) Only real men grow beards

If you are going to grow a beard you can't go half assed, it takes real time and commitment. It's a statement of intent when you grow a beard, it's saying I'm the alpha male and I'm not afraid to let hair grow on my face.

1) The feeling when you shave it off

If you have to shave your beard for work , there is nothing worse than that feeling when you shave it off. It's as if your whole manhood has been stripped away, all those memories you had with your beard have gone . You look forward to growing it all back again when you have time off.

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I'm a musician and a writer, or a writer and a musician, I can't make up my mind, Either way I'm not particularly good at either. A bit of an old fashioned guy, who enjoys the simpler things in life, nothing fancy.