
15 Types Of Irritating Students In The Library

Studying is never easy and getting to the library is half the battle. But once you are there the seat you pick should be chosen wisely. If it is at the beginning of a semester you may well find a seat by yourself with no distractions. But if it is exam time it is a fight to the finish. Every man and women for themselves. Get there early, but even then, you could be queueing out the library door. Just be aware of your surroundings. Unfortunately, those irritating people in the library don't have 'annoying' plastered across their forehead. So, you could end up in the same area as them, or even in the seat next to them. This is a tricky situation. But, your bag is down, your laptop and books are out and there is no turning back, for two hours at least. So, let's reminisce on those good old times. A time this error in judgement has occurred with our 15 Types Of Irritating Students In The Library.

1) The Music Buff

Yes, we see you bopping away. Yes, we see you have your new wireless Beats on. But, we can hear the song like its on the radio. Turn it down or turn it off. Some people are trying to creep on Facebook here and you are distracting them.

2) The Chatter

We can hear you. Even though you are trying to whisper, we can still hear you. Whoever was in "a state last night", "scored her ex boyfriend" or "was a slut with no remorse" doesn't concern us. Someone will hear you and you could get in trouble with your gossip victim.

3) The Phone Head

You are on the phone, you are whispering. Yes, a quick "I'm in the library text me" or  "I'll call you later" won't hurt anyone. But, a five minute conversation about how your hot chicken fillet roll wasn't up to standard won't be appreciated.

4) Earphone Complexity

This can be hilarious but it must be taken into consideration that it was a mistake. A mistake that cannot be rectified. You plug your earphones in, you put on the newest episode of Modern Family. You are watching away without a care in the world. Someone taps on your shoulder, it's Libro Cop and he is here to tell you your earphones aren't plugged in. After an array of hurtful words, you fix the headphones. You are embarrassed and ashamed. Just be thankful you are not that guy who was caught watching porn in the library.

5) The Chewer

Even though it isn't allowed, us students love to have a snack in the library. But, rule number one: you have to be discreet. If not, your loud chewing will distract your fellow scholars and it will be hard for anyone who witnesses it.

6) The Bodily Malfunctions

If you tend to burp or fart in the library I have one word for you: SHAMMMEEEE!! This is uncomfortable for everyone there, may it be the smell or the loud noises, it is not appreciated. And, the person beside you will have to sit, smell and suffer in silence.

7) The Cold

If you are sick I have sympathy for you. After all we live in a cold country where there is rarely a rain-free day, it happens to be best of us. But the coughing, sneezing and more tissues than an Andrex commercial is not good for anyone. You should be at home in bed before you get the whole college sick.

8) Mr./Mrs. Popular

We get it, you have loads of friends but there is no need to treat the library like Krystle on a Saturday night. It is not necessary to have a conversation with absolutely everyone you know. Wait until lunchtime or talk in the bathrooms, Facebook chat should do you while you're here.

9) The Mess

You don't care that you know a lot of people here. You don't care that you look like you just rolled out of bed. You are a bad ass mess and nobody can stop you. You choose your own destiny. But, if you smell nobody will want to sick next to you, so be a bad ass washed mess please.

10) The Try Hard

There will be a guy or girl that is dressed to impress. You know they have meticulously chosen their outfit for this occasion and they want all eyes on them. They are well groomed, well spoken and an all round 'fashionista'. Fashion is very important to them.

11) The Nerd

This student is here to focus and get their work done. This isn't at all a bad thing but if they are inclined to hush, they could turn heads. Also, if instead of having lunch with you they want to stay and study, you might roll your eyes in disbelief.

12) The Missing Appliance

They forget their phone or laptop charger. They panic. They franticly post an S.O.S. as their Facebook status to find such a thing. This might not necessarily irritate you, but if you lend it to them and they keep it for more than is welcomed, it might.

13) The Loud Breather

You don't quite understand it and you don't quite know why it is happening. It confuses you and once you notice it, it can never be unnoticed. You can't say anything to them because, let's face it, you can't really slag the way someone breaths can you? You are just going to have to put up with this one.

14) The Texter

Your phone may be on silent but that buzzing I am hearing every second is extremely distracting. I know it is on vibrate but put it where it doesn't rattle the desk please.

15) The Comedian

I'm not telling you not to have fun but nobody likes to miss a joke. And, nobody likes to hear you laugh for 5 minutes straight. It is great that you are trying to have fun but I am reading a book in Old English and I am feeling left out and I don't even know you.

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Article written by
Lauren Rol: A UCD graduate who spends most of her time watching the Soaps. A devout fan of Chinese food and a French Bulldog obsessive.