
16 Reasons To Cut Your Hair Short This Summer

I don't care what anyone says, getting a drastic amount of hair cut off your head is the biggest decision you will make in your life. It's something you should think about long and hard because although it does grow back, it will take a while. But you can always throw it up into a cute little ponytail. So if you're on the edge of deciding whether to get your hair cut, here are 16 great reasons to do it.

1) It's frickin' hot!

Hot weather and long hair do not mix. It starts to stick in places that you didn't even know could sweat, and the worst place - the back of your neck.

2) Think of the split ends.

A new cut will get rid of those ratty split ends you've had for the past yeat - you disgusting person.

3) It's way too long.

If you can tuck it into the top of your jeans, I think it's time.

4) It's too heavy.

Just like girls with big boobs that get back pain, thick hair can be tiring for your poor little neck.

5) You won't need to have hair bobbins on your wrists all the time.

You always have a bobbin on your wrist and another one in your bag as backup, just in case the first one decides to be a dick and snap.

6) It's a new start.

Sometimes we can get bored with the way we look so instead of getting the same old trim - change it up. New hair, new you!

7) You will be different.

Don't be a conformist. You'll stand out and turn heads with your new hair. Screw you long haired Basic Bitches. You're an individual.

8) You won't be blamed for clogging up the drain.

That's not your problem anymore.

9) Your hair won't get caught in things.

No more catching your hair in car doors, zips, scarves, jackets or whipping your friends in the eye with your killer length ponytail. Sorry about that guys.

10) You'll look and feel fresh AF.

You will look great and beautiful, gurl!

11) It's super low maintenance.

Wake up, two sweeps of a brush and it's done. You'll be 10 minutes early to everything now.

12) You barely rub it with a towel and it's dry.

You've always been so jealous of guys stepping out of the shower and their hair is already dry. Now it's your turn. And no one likes to use a hairdryer in summer. Sweating balls.

13) You can do a super cool hair flip without breaking your neck.

You're a movie star.

14) Think of all those first #NewHair Insta likes.

So popular.

15) Your shampoo and conditioner last so much longer.

The first time you wash your new short hair there'll be soap everywhere because you put waaaay to much on. Whoops.

16) You can do it for a great cause.

If your hair is longer than 5 inches you can donate it to a charity that makes wigs for children cancer patients.

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Laura is an open minded, positive thinker (who enjoys a good rant) with a love for all movies and Marvel. She is full of thoughts but is strictly only to be approached whenever a random conversation is desired. She is also deeply in love with Kristen Stewart.