
16 Signs Your Housemate Is A Keeper...

Finding a good housemate is so much more difficult than finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. At least with them, you can go home and take a break from one another, with a housemate you have no such choice. Think you may have found yourself the perfect housemate? Here are 16 signs....

1) They know how you like your tea.

Halle-bloody-lujah. Finally, someone who likes their tea as milky as you do! To be handed a mug of tea and not having to traipse back to the fridge for more milk or a hot drop is a gift from God himself.

2) They don’t have to ask what you want on your pizza.

Simply, because they're always the one you order a cheeky €5 deal with. You may have the potatoes peeled and the water boiled, but if they flash you a takeaway leaflet, you’re dialling the number already.

3) It’s hard to say goodnight to them.

You may have spent all evening in their company and gone for lunch together earlier in the day, but if you still find it difficult to close the door on them at night, you’re onto a winner here. If you text one another from bed too, then never let them go.

4) Tea is always the peace offering in fights.

When I say “fights”, I mean those petty arguments that are only kept up because you want them to cave and make you tea. You’re not really angry with them, you just know they’ll feel guilty eventually and become your temporary bitch. Biscuits too, please.

5) You’re both giving up the same things for lent.

This may sound cute, but in reality it's their fucking fault you've become addicted to chocolate and ice cream in the first place. Thanks for sweet nothing, friend.

6) Your private jokes are something everyone knows about.

Not only do the rest of your housemates recognise when you're enjoying a secret giggle, they're unbelievably sick of it too. You may think you’re being subtle by raising your eyebrow slowly in their direction, but you’re really not. Everyone knows you’re sharing an inside moment and quite frankly, they want in.

7) Conversations until 4am are not uncommon.

Another thing that doesn’t go down well with the rest of the housemates. It’s all well and good staying awake and conversing into the ungodly hours of the morning, but when your hyena-like laughter wakes everyone with functioning eardrums, it might not seem so cute.

8) Them ringing you on your morning off is okay.

If your mother rang you at 9:30am when you’re not in college until 12pm, you'd answer the phone and unleash your inner demon. When your housemate loses their key and rings you to open the front door, however, all they get is the silent treatment while you drag yourself back up the stairs and into bed. Then they make your tea to perfection and all is forgiven.

9) Their milk is your milk.

As are their tea bags, their orange juice, their extra-large Galaxy bar and even to a certain extent, their alcohol. If you guys are sharing food, you’re sharing souls too.

10) They offer you food when you're puking your guts up.

Even if the reason you're getting sick is because you had too much of their chocolate and finished the end of their Cider. If they're willing to put all of that aside and cook you rashers at 3am, they're a life companion.

11) Surprise treats are a regular thing.

You’re so used to them accompanying you to the shop that when you have to make the trek alone, you feel obliged to bring them back a cookie. You clearly know the way to their heart and vice versa.

12) They act as your second alarm clock.

Not only did they spend the night before washing yesterday’s dinner out of your hair, they also get up earlier than they need to on a Friday morning to make sure you don’t miss that compulsory lab. Where have you been all my life?

13) Brutal honesty is your policy.

You tell them their dinner looks like pig feed and they counter that by saying your new haircut is shit. If it’s all rainbows and butterflies then chances are it's not real, so appreciate their blunt attitude – it’s a sign of their love and affection. You’ll have to trust me on this one.

14) They put enough water in the kettle for your hot water bottle.

If this isn't your Eureka moment, I don’t know what will be. You know someone's for life when they’re thinking about your freezing-cold toes before you are.

15) Your Facebook tagging has gotten out of hand.

Chances are you get at least one notification a day from them. Anything, anything at all that makes you snort with laughter or even giggle slightly and you’re typing their name into the comments section. Your sense of humour is so in sync with theirs that within thirty seconds of tagging them, you’ll hear a roar of laughter.

16) You have a constant circle of owing one another money and it's fine.

Ah, money. The true test. Owing them a fiver for a pizza is one thing, it’s a whole other level if they have to start a tab for you. Entry into the club last night, the taxi fare home, a litre of milk, a piece of chicken and tomorrow’s cinema ticket – this is a person you want in your life forever.

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Olivia is a Journalism and New Media student at the University of Limerick. As well as writing for College Times, she is also a contributor with and After college Olivia hopes to write feature articles and/or opinion pieces for a New York magazine, from a penthouse suite in Manhattan, earning a six-figure annual salary. She's also known for being slightly over-ambitious.