
It's A Hard Locked Life: 17 Struggles Of Being A Total Lightweight

People sometimes complain about being 'too sober', moaning that no matter how many Jägerbombs they do, they just can't get drunk. Well, that literally NEVER happens to me. I can get wasted from smelling alcohol - at least that's what it feels like. When everyone else is starting on their third rounds, I'm on the floor with the other lightweights, looking for our dignity and a glass of tap water to sober up.

Scroll down for more lightweight problems, it sure ain't easy!

1. When everyone's like: "Yeah pre-drinks!"

2. You're more like...

3. Because the earlier you start drinking the worse it gets for you

4. If you're not careful, you'll end up going to bed before people even head out

5. Sometimes you have just one glass of wine and you're like this...

6. It's as if you get drunk by simply SMELLING alcohol

7. Your friends are always flabbergasted at your intoxicated state: "Didn't we all have the same amount to drink?"

8. It's pretty embarrassing when you're at formal events with family for example

And you can't help that you're absolutely wasted after a few glasses of wine

9. It's always tricky you're hanging out with new people who clearly drink more than you

10. You have to swig about a gallon of water so you can stay up to speed

11. You have definitely ended up in a bush a few times

12. Post night out stories almost always involve you

13. But you're pretty good at pretending to be sober

14. At least so you think

15. You know it's VITAL to eat a shit ton of food before a night out

16. And you might even carry the odd snack in your bag, just to have something to fill your belly

17. Yup, being a lightweight is hard work!

Via: StudentBeans

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