
17 Things All College Girls Should Know

Whether you're a first year college girl or in your final year, here are the fundamental things all college girls need to know to get you through college. Follow this guide and you should be set...

1) You will not be a cat lady for the rest of your life if you're still single in college.

True story kids. The right man could be just around the corner, in a get out there!

2)Try not to look like an Oompa Loompa.

You may think fake tan is cool and makes you look amazing. But it doesn't and you'll end up smelling like a mouldy biscuit so stop that now. 

3) Skip a lecture.

Ah go on, why not. If you only have one lecture all day, go cray and miss it. Word of advice, go and do something fun instead or just watch a shit load of TV. Otherwise you'll just get angry at yourself for being unproductive. 

4) Get good quality pjs.

Whether they're super sexy and consist of a couple of pieces of string or if they're fleecy matching PJs, get a good quality pair that'll last you through the endless washing machine trips. Then they can also act as TV clothes. You can thank me later.

5) You don't need to cake your face in make-up.

If you're doing it to impress men, they won't even notice. If anything they probably just won't recognise you. You may also start melting throughout the day, which isn't a very pleasant look.

6) Get a bra that fits you properly.

Every woman has bought a bra and it not fit them perfectly. Yes it may be beautiful and super sexy, but if it makes you look like you have four boobs instead of two, you're likely to be doing those precious objects of yours some serious damage.

7) Friends will come and go.

You'll go through a lot of friend changes at college. You may just drift apart without any bad vibes, but try and keep the special ones close even if they're far away! You need someone to attend to attend your wedding in years to come.

8) Don't hide your body.

Whether you're curvy or skinny, don't hide your figure! Curvy girls make the most of your assets, boys will love you for it. And skinny girls: well you're just really lucky. So wear tight dresses while you can and show off that bod!

9) Sacrifices will have to be made.

As you'll get older, you'll have to make sacrifices for those you love the most. Just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons and for the right people.

10) Dress a little slutty.

This can be either done privately or on a night out. But why not?! Better to do it in college than embarrass yourself when you're older. 

11) You don't have to wear heels.

A lot of girls college girls wear them, but that doesn't mean you have to. Wear shoes that you want to wear and that are less likely to cause you or others around you serious injury.

12) Invest in underwear that actually fits you.

No one likes a muffin top, especially if you still have one just in your underwear. Trust me your body will thank you for it.

13) Be weird.

Everyone loves weird people. And if they don't, then you're hanging around with the wrong people.

14) You will become hormonally unstable and act irrationally, but it's ok.

Everyone knows women can be complete loons on occasion, so just try and apologise if you have an outburst. Just blame it on being a woman.

15) Make the most of your free time.

Once college is over, you'll feel this guilt that you should be doing something with your life. So make the most of being able to sit on your bed and become a vegetable for days on end with Netflix.

16) Stop worrying.

Everyone worries. Whether it's about work, people or finances, try not to get worked up about it. It took me a while to believe, but everything will work out ok. Even if you don't think it is, you'll look back on your college years and laugh at where your life has taken you.

17) Naked photos.

If you're in a stable relationship this can be ideal. If you're not be VERY careful who you send them to, that is. You don't want to end up being your college's new pin up girl.

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Alex is a History of Art & Philosophy graduate from the illustrious Trinity College, which makes her a natural fit for College Times. She spends Monday to Friday writing smut and her weekends thinking deeply and History of Arting.