
17 Things Only Girls With Male BFFs Will Understand

For those of us girls who prefer an easier life with less bitching - in other words, to hang out with boys - here are the top 17 things only girls with male best friends will understand.

1) You know when to stop talking during a football match
2) You dislike most other women
3) You've sat through so much FIFA, you almost know the rules by now
4) One of the boys may start to have feelings for you
5) Other girls don't understand how you can be ONLY friends with your boys
6) You'll be asked to get in contact with hot girls for them
7) You always get a +1 invite
8) If you ask them a question, you're likely to get an honest response
9) You always have access to amazing junk food
10) You can teach them about girl things without freaking themĀ out
11) Shopping with boys is great fun, because it's over soon
12) Your boyfriend will get unnecessarily jealous
13) You end up carrying a lot of boys' stuff in your handbag on nights out
14) You learn to get ready more quickly
15) You get to give them fashion advice
16) You can use them as a fake boyfriend if you need to
17) You hear "Women are fucking lunatics, EXCEPT YOU" a lot

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Alex is a History of Art & Philosophy graduate from the illustrious Trinity College, which makes her a natural fit for College Times. She spends Monday to Friday writing smut and her weekends thinking deeply and History of Arting.