
17 Things You Can Do With Avocado That You Probably Never Thought Of Before

The humble avocado has become the ultimate hyped fruit of the 21st century – and it's easy to see why.

Not only does the fruit taste great but it boasts an array of health benefits. And if you thought they were just there to be eaten... well, you couldn't have been more wrong.

Here are just a few things you never knew you could do with the hipster fave.

1. Make a hair mask

1 small avo, 60ml of olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice.

– Mix these babies up, apply through the ends of hair, wash and condition and boom you're done.

2. Make a creamy salad dressing

All you need is: an avo, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper and water.


3. Avocado brownies

Sounds weird, tastes great.

4. Use the pit to make an exfoliating foot scrub

Your feet will no longer be crusty and gross.

5. Dairy-free ice-cream

All you need for this healthy, sweet treat is an avocado, coconut milk, honey, cocoa powder,vanilla, salt and chocolate chips. YUM.

6. Avocado Popsticles

Grab: 3 ripe avos, 1 1/2 cups milk, and 4 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk.

– Throw them in a blender and place them into moulds with a wooden stick.

– Freeze for at least 3 hours.

7. Avocado pancakes

Blend up 1 avo, 60g self-raising flour, 175g milk, 1 egg, a pinch of salt, lime juice.

Pour batter onto a pan and fry until golden. Makes 4 pancakes, delish.

8. Baked avocado egg

Scoop out the stone and some of the avocado, crack in an egg, bake in a 220-degree oven for 15 minutes, sprinkle salt and pepper, DONE.

9. Ease that tooth-ache

Rub a cube on your sore tooth to ease tooth pain.

10. Make a DIY facial mask

Mash one avo with a tablespoon of honey.

Apply to face, leave for 15 mins.

11. Avocado pit foot massage

Use the pit as a natural foot massage roller.

12. Freshen your breath

Eat a cube for fresher breath.

13. Soothe dry skin

Mash avocado and spread on dry areas, wash off – feel your super smooth skin.

14. Soothe sunburn

Mash up, spread on the burn, feel the relief.

15. Vegan frosting

1 ripe avo, 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder and 1/2 cup maple syrup is all that's needed.

Just blend it up and enjoy!

16. Vegan mayo

1 small avocado, tbsp lemon juice, 2 tsp Dijon mustard, pinch of salt, 2 tbsp olive oil.

Blend and spread on sambos, wraps or use as a salad dressing.

17. And finally... avocado donuts

Avos are the real star in this recipe, which you can check out here.

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